Well, it is crucial to clean and maintain your outdoor blinds such as cafe blinds and motorised outdoor blinds. It will not only lend a crisp and pristine look to your outdoor blinds but also help you to save money in the long run. Besides, regular cleaning will extend the life of your outdoor cafe blinds in Sydney.
Handy Outdoor Blinds Cleaning & Maintenance Tips
- Wash your outdoor blinds using a sponge and soapy water. Undertake this cleaning task at regular intervals, at least once every two weeks.
- In case you ignore regular cleaning, then dirt and dust will get accumulated on your outdoor blinds, and during the rolling process, your blinds could become scratched or damaged.
- Avoid using anything rough to rub-clean your blinds because it can also lead to scratching.
- Besides, make sure that your outdoor blinds don’t develop creases or folds during the rolling process. So the best way to do it is by manoeuvring your blinds while they are warm.
- Cafe-styled outdoor blinds are affected by temperature changes similar to all plastic. It will enlarge and shrink as per day’s heat and could get rigid if unprotected to cooler temperatures. If this happens, then it is vital to take care while manoeuvring your outdoor blinds. Refrain from forcing the mechanism, and be tender.
How to Prolong the Life of Your Outdoors Blinds
Foreign particles like bird droppings, tree sap, leaves, dust, dirt, etc. should not be allowed to remain on shade-blind material for a prolonged time. Besides, use water and a soft cloth to keep your outdoor blinds pristine through regular cleaning of both sides of your outdoor blind material.
Detailed Cleaning Process
- First of all, take out any particles resting on the shade blind material to avert scratches while rubbing using a cleaning cloth.
- Take warm water and mix it with a water-based cleaning detergent and rub-clean outdoor blind material tenderly using a soft cloth. Refrain from rubbing hard because it can damage the material’s surface. To make an easy cleaning solution – take 1 part of detergent to 10 parts water and mix to prepare the solution. Natural detergents are preferred.
- Now, thoroughly rinse the outdoor blind material with clean water, and using a soft lint-free cloth, gently wipe it to dry it.
- Before you roll up the blinds, let them fully dry.
- Hose down your outdoor blinds from time to time with clean cold water to keep them looking clean and pristine.
- Refrain from using non-diluted cleaning fluids, detergent, soap, bore water, garden sprays, solvents and petrochemicals.
If you fail to take regular care of your outdoor blinds, then the material of your outdoor blinds may get damaged and may also curtail their lifespan.
For Harder or Sticky Stains:
Take 1-part of household detergent to 20-part water and mix with lukewarm water to make a weak concentration. Do not use detergents containing solvents. Wash the outdoor blind fabric with a sponge or soft cloth. Then using normal cold water, rinse away any remnants.
With regular wash and care, you’re assuring utmost protection from the sun and the weather, getting the best use out of the product.
Homeworx Australia is passionate about helping people to cherish their outdoor life. If you’re looking to buy outdoor blinds in Sydney, then Homeworx Australia has an array of outdoor blinds to offer that will enhance the quality of your outdoor living.
Our product range includes:
- Restaurant, Cafe & Bistro Outdoor Blinds
- Automated or Motorised Outdoor Blinds
- Retractable Awnings
- Dual System Blinds
- Window Awnings
- Patio & Pergolas Blinds
- Balcony, Deck & Veranda Blinds
- Clear Plastic PVC Blinds
- Gazebo Outdoor Blinds
- And more.
So make sure you check out our range of premium quality and durable outdoor blinds in Sydney today!
For more information call us at Homeworx Australia at 1300 538 800 & check our Google Reviews!